Whatever to the translation test. I mean... I understood the whole text and all, but I think I must be missing the so called "translation ability". I wonder why we have to be so exact/perfect when professional translators aren't that awesome themselves. I don't know what kind of people translate for TV, but seriously I've had to tear my hair. (Which is why I sometimes prefer NO subtitles at all)
Oh and my computer continues not working. Why? Who knows... I can only phone on Monday to complain AGAIN. This time however I'm not going to pay any extra for saving some of my files. At least in a month I haven't manage to download THAT much anyway. XDD (but surprisingly over 100 gigas... eh??)
Oh! And a random test:
Your Score: The Realist
You scored 14 constructiveness, -2 selflessness, 4 loyalty, and -17 supportiveness!
Constructive, selfish, and loyal, with a heap of tough love -- you are The Realist. Your first priority is exactly what it should be -- you. You're concerned about others but are unlikely to throw your life away on some foolhardy crusade to save someone else. Still, beyond those constraints, you're a loyal friend who tells it like it is, and you're probably quite funny. You'll help your friends solve their problems, even though they might not always like your advice, and you'll try to make the best of tough situations. That said, you'll try even harder to avoid or minimize those tough situations in the first place. There's a word for that. It's called "smart."
You're fine just the way you are. Some people might call you selfish, and they'd be right, but you're still a good person, and you're unlikely to change, so it's not even worth suggesting it.
The 4-Variable Friendship Test written by
sundust8 on
OkCupid, home of the
The Dating Persona Test I really liked the result. It sounds a lot like me, and I liked the flattery: "you're still a good person" .. I know I'm not the best and I AM selfish, but I try to be better... at least as much as I can. As in: I'm not going out of my way to please ANYONE and only help as much as I think is necessary. And when it comes to that thing called "sparing feelings", I'm a little clueless.
But gosh... those negative scores on selflessness and supportiveness (minus SEVENTEEN? XD)
Just saying: I'm sure people assume that they would help at any time and no matter what, but really... most people ARE self-absorbed. Even those who think they aren't (or maybe especially those). It's not a bad thing of course, as long as it's not extreme.
Aah.. my Dad's birthday is tomorrow!! I need to buy him something...