Oct 24, 2007 19:35
Whoohoo test! XDD Well it wasn't that bad, but I have an uneasy feeling, especially since I didn't pass the previous one AGAIN! (How?!) and well.. I'm supposed to have done the course before this one.. I hope I don't have to do any explaining... which will sound along the lines of "well I DID attend the course.. I just haven't passed it.. I THOUGHT I would so.." Argh! I fail.
Apart from studying for the next test(s) and homework I'll be working on eating a cake.. ugh.. I hate whipped cream.. it's just disgusting, but I can't let the cake go to waste. Why can't my brother be here? Well.. at least it has strawberries. XDD
On a more brighter note: after crying about my haemoglobin, my Mum went off to buy me some stuff to raise it. YAY!! :D
OMG it seems like the NEWS PV is going to be just like I hoped: SALARYMEN!!!!!
OMG! Because guys in suits = cool/hot!!! XDDD