It's amazing to think that I pre-ordered a single of a group, whose members' average age is fifteen. The insanity. XD But the limited edition comes with a DVD! It's for the DVD.. I'm so good at making excuses. I finally decided to order the limited edition of Kanjani8's new single as well.. That comes with NO DVD though. XDD but It's K8, so I don't need to make excuses I wanted to find more info about the single, but I've waited too long and I don't want to risk the limited edition being sold out. XD I'll do something drastic if the extra song on the regular edition is too awesome. XDD
I phoned (okay.. it was my Dad, but I talked as well) to have my computer be seen to. Somebody is supposed to come and get it this week... But it's already Friday so..?
XD at the person on the other end asking if I had anything important on the hard drive. Of course I thought: "EVERYTHING!", but answered "well, there's nothing I can do about it."
WHY didn't I watch the last ep of Liar Game before (not to mention some other episodes)? And burn the Jani-Ben eps I had onto a DVD (I had that in mind, but kept on procrastinating. Lesson 1. Procrastination is evil) XDD Oh, and
iceblueaya you can go ahead and watch the last ep of Hana Kimi, since I don't know how long it will take to get my computer back.
On what has been troubling me throughout my whole life and more excessively recently:
I don't understand why I'm such an untidy individual, HOW my handwriting can be so awful even when I try to write neatly, why I can't type properly, why my thoughts are goodness knows where, WHY I make ridiculous mistakes I know I should have noticed, and no matter how many times I read through anything I'll always miss something. I forget what I'm doing, I bump into things, drop things, spill things, make a mess.. without really noticing. I don't feel like my brain can function properly at all. (e.g. I'm convinced I was actually incapable of ever learning how to drive.. and it's a good thing that fact became clearer to me during driving school, since I even crash my bike into things and I know how to ride a bicycle after all)
My mother says that I think too much. I KNOW I do and my ability to concentrate is nonexistent, but I really want to and try to do things like I want them to. I'm supposedly a perfectionist, but being what I am it feels even more awful to keep on messing up.
Random note: we seemed to have had some sort of power failure. All of a sudden the electricity was gone. It didn't bother me, since I had to leave for school, but I need to use my dad's computer for homework. Our school library is closed on Saturdays.