Apr 19, 2007 15:58
Ah! I'm finished with Spanish for the time being, but I still feel annoyed with how I didn't study as much as I could and should have. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I passed, but I definitely didn't do well. I thought I could put the test behind me and didn't want to think of the word that is going to haunt me, but it had to pop in the Spanish programme I watch. *sighs*
Then there's Estonian. The teacher got a little pissed with me and snapped: "Well, in the test you can't think that you don't know, because then you HAVE to know."
Well, no I don't... I don't have to know EVERYTHING. But seriously, yeah, if I don't study I will know close to nothing. It's not very encouraging when the teacher thinks I'm hopeless...
We read our German homework assignment aloud in the order the teacher received them. XD Which was kind of hilarious... because we got to see in which order we finished/sent them. I read mine first. No seriously. I found out that some people are even worse procrastinators than me. But the poor teacher.. I mean... two weeks time, and the last ones are to be corrected a few hours before the lesson. ;)It wasn't fun going first, because like a few others, I was afraid that I might have understood something wrongly, and well... it would have been kind of embarrassing.
Also some random guy asked me to marry him. Hmm.. that's the second time in the past year or so...
I don't like knowing about what's going on. Now and then I wonder if someone will randomly start shooting. Actually I still sometimes watch where I sit in the metro, in case someone comes with an ax....