Title: The Question
Author: Red
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Kate/Gibbs
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine. They belong to CBS, which at the moment I hate with all my heart.
A/N: I have never written a ‘light’ fic before because I don’t know how to write a less serious story, so this is my first story that doesn’t include sappiness or angst. This is also a semi-AU fic: I mention Ziva in this story. Don’t worry; I don’t write catfight, either. :D
I wrote this to lighten my mood a bit because I’m currently writing a very dark-themed story. This is unbetaed, so all mistakes are mine and mine only. Pardon all typos and grammatical errors; English is not my first language. I try my best to minimize the errors and I hope I don’t make you frown with my mistakes.
Thank you for all your reviews and favourites on my last Kibbs story. I really appreciate them.
singinglupines , this is my ‘welcome home’ present for you. I know I should’ve written something with the characters you love, but you know that I can be very selfish sometimes. I hope you still enjoy it, darling. *hugs*
Shutting up now, and on to the fic...
Here @ my journal