Dec 23, 2005 21:30
so yeah I haven't been on here in a while....
So here is what happed to me:
*My car broke so I started car pooling to st cloud with my mom
* I Miss People!! I only see one of my friends...and I see him Everyday..I need to make more friends..I guess...
* Note to people WoW is addicting...don't worry I didn't buy it..But the lonely friend I ever see bought it and I play it when he takes a nap...I have a level 7 character now and other games just aren't as fun anymore...I find my self thinking about playing it and being sad when he doesn't take a, but don't worry I wont buy it because I'm cheap like that and don't think you should have to Pay to play a game that you Already Bought...Yep Yep..But it IS ADDICTING
* I got A's on all my finals, Yay! / I think I don't know my math score yet...
*final grades = A's and B's..I thin mostly A's but I don't know my math final grade yet..
* I broke the face on the thermometer out can still see it but its broken...
* YAY for Full Metal Alchemist!!! I just watched the DVD's 1-6...the past 2 nights...or was it 3...I don't know But it was AWASOME and I loved Every minute of it...I might not let my brother give them back to his friend
* I was a Drama Queen the 1st time in my was interesting and not was a bad day I guess...yes a bad day
* I melted a nice size spot on the carpet in my basement...yay for being stupid...
* I miss people :(