Oct 06, 2009 18:48
They say if you need information, the kind that is really hush-hush, talk to the Librarian.
I can produce the books if you're carrying enough cabbage. Be at the 'L' tomorrow at 5pm,
you can't afford my late fees.
-- Sarah
Secret Agent Perry Pants stuffed the note into his pipe and smoked it as he walked toward Libertarian Convenience or the 'L' as it was called. The L was the only grocery store in the entire town of Cane Creek. During the pre-dinner rush the store was a buzz of hungry homebodies fighting tooth-and-nail for the day's best deals and freshest produce. There was no better time to exchange private information than in the midst of mad mothers and frantic fathers preparing for dinner.
7:00 -- Produce
"That's quite the zuchinni you've got there."
"Well, they don't call me Pants - Keeper of the Piece for nothing.
Ms Palin I presume?"
Sarah smiled shyly at the agent while perusing the tomatoes.
"They say you're the one to see if you need a good read."
He was inspecting the eggplant and idly sliding the zuchinni into her carriage.
"Good literature is hard to come by these days," she thumbed off the tip of the zuchinni to count the cash that was stored inside. $10k. "But since you're my kind of guy, I can give you some good head."
With a wink she tossed him a head of iceberg lettuce.
Agent Pants leafed through the lettuce pleased to find writing inked to the underside of each green frond. Then he proceeded to checkout.
The end.