Jan 22, 2005 09:33
The whole entire universe is like agenst Kyle and I being together....We planned on hanging out today....But nope...we cant do that. Why? Cause of the fuckin weather! EVERYTIME we plan to do something,
We cant cause of...
A) *Bad weather*
B) No ride
C) Work
D) Too late
And i figured this would happen,
Eh, i pretty much KNEW.
But i guess theres always that glimmer of hope you have...
MAYBE i can see him....
Maybe tomarrow.
I wish...I hope....I wonder.
I bet there is gunna be some other reason of me not being able to go.
*Knock on wood* *sigh*
I really want to see him....
And i know how pathetic i sound,
But i Love this kid okay?
and i only see him at school....
Well, once in awhile out...
But idk...i got all ready to go,
Already knowing the weather,
Just wishing you know?
Eh, Idk anymore....i just really want to be with him.
Thats it.
Hold him, kiss him, talk to him, love him...
But it seems like thats just to hard...
I mean we do that at school...
But there is people everywhere,
And there all like "get a room"
and that is REALLY starting to piss me off...
even if they are kidding,
im not.
I miss kyle...
and the alone time...
That seems impossible now...
alone time...
*sigh* I love the thought...
I Guess we are going to do something tomarrow...
Unless theres like a huge snow storm again...
(dude id be SO flippin pissed!)
*Sigh* i guess i just got to be patient.
I dont want to be tho u know?
Being together is like the hardest thing to do in our relationship,
Like youd figure it would be something else...
but nope,
He is perfect.
We are perfect...
Just not the being together part...
Tomarrow we arnt going to be "alone" or w/e niether.
Josh and Amy are comin along...
I guess that will be okay...
But like i said...
*sigh* they would be on there way to pick me up right now....
(its 9:50)
I guess its just another boreing day...
I Love You Kyle!