Guess That Song!

Jan 09, 2005 15:01

Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play!
Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 10-20 songs that play!
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song + band the lines come from!
Step 4: Cross (X) out the songs when someone guesses correctly!

1. When i look into your eyes theres nothing there to see, nothing but my own mistakes stareing back at me.
2. It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this, it was only a kiss.
3. Behind the fake family image, behind the smiles of a thousand moms and dads, inside the cage we've been givin, i see an image of the future we dont have.
4. They say "Freak" when your singled out.
5. This aquard silence makes me crazy.
6. 50 thousand tears I've cried.
7. I've got a bad feelin about this. I've got a bad feelin about this.
8. I Tear my heart open, i sew myself shut, my weaknes is that i care too much, and the scars remind me that the past is real, i tear my heart open just to feel.
9. Your toung in my mouth, tring to keep the words from coming out, you dont care to know who may have been here before.
10. My flaws are the only thing left thats pure.
11. Eating seeds is a besttime activity.
12. I will forgive, but i wont forget, and i hope you know you've lost my respect.
13. Why's everthing so tame? I like my life insane.
14. Usein me is over now and soon your gunna see, im done with you.
15. All the things you hide from me, all the shit that you do.
16. But if you died right now you know that i'd die too.
17. With this knife ill cut out the part of me the part that cares for you, with this knife ill cut out the heart of me the heart that cares for you.

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