*||*Kyle*||*Mall*||*Breakup*||*Flirting*||*How love works*||*

Dec 17, 2004 18:04

Yeah...today was fun...we went to the mall and i sung a solo...i messed up a little tho...but i guess i did okay...and justine and i r talking more so thats cool. shes over at marks house right now....MARKS! i thought she hated him...but w/e things are changing too fast...but she (Justine) broke up with jason....yeah...a mericle...she deserves soo much better than that anyways....but yeah...April bought me some aromatherapy stuff, which is awesome...idk what she wants..but i guess ill have to guess.

O yeah...today, amanda was like hangin on kyle....idk why...but for some reason it kinda pissed me off...and yeah, i confronted her about it...she says she doesent like him...so i guess ima beleive her...idk if HE even likes me...who even would for that matter? and WHY? but yeah, i gave him a note kinda tellin him that we should hangout sometime...and yeah....he dident write back...so idk. and im not sure if i should call him...or let it be...or just wait...AHH! lol...but yeaaah.

And i found out what the stink was at school....(we all thought it was 'hot sweaty ferret sex') but i guess someone put off a stink bomb IN THE AIR DUCTS! wtf people!! we have to BrEaThE that air! and so do YOU! god...ppl r so stupid these days...hopefully the smell goes away....cause ferret doesent smell to wonderful....

But theres not too much else to say...other than the fact that tomarrow i have a volleyball tournament from 7:17am to like 5:00pm.... 10 GODDAMN HOURS! ima die! i bet you she wont even PLAY me....god id be soooo pissed! But yeaah...um pOsT mE PeOplE!

(the below cut is something my friend made on her journal...i like it a lot...it is very true...READ IT!)
When you first meet somebody, you find out they like you first of all. A friend of a friend of these says he or she really really likes you & it kills you, floors you, sends you to the ground. Then you get there phone number & you call them up right & you say "yeah this was a great phone conversation can I see you sometime?" & then they say "I'de like that."& i'de like that makes you fall on the floor again you're hearts about to stop because of "i'de like that." Nothing feels better then "i'de like that." So now, youre blood pressures goin', you're 6 feet off the ground, you can't sleep- because of "i'de like that." So then you hang out for a while & then you call & you tlak on the phone all the time. & then you drop the bomb, or what feels like the bomb. You say, " you know what i've been thinkin' about you alot. " & she goes (gasp) & you go what happend? & she goes i'm sorry it's just, i've been thinking about you too. BAM- higher then the sky. But now, I'de like that? Psh- done. You're up to, "I'm thinkin' about you." Then, however number of months pass that makes you feel comfortable sayin' it, you say.. I gotta tell you something. They go what? You go.. I'm in love with you. & nothing in the world sounds better then, "i'm in love with you." & then maybe she starts cryin' or you maybe he chokes & all the sudden you're like i'm in. But now all the sudden what doesn't work? I'de like that & i've been thinking about you. Now were at, i'm in love with you. Then maybe someday that will go to, "I love you." Fast forward- now you're like- I love you alot. I love you more then anything in life. Now I love you doesn't work. It's a thresh-hold it keeps movin' up. Fast forward like 6 months, 6 weeks whatever the case may be & you're like I wanna marry you, I wanna impreganate you with my love, I wanna just send my love to you. Damn it, then words don't work anymore then you say this line & you know you've used this line before.. "I just wish they put a new word in the dictionary bigger then love 'cause love just doesn't describe what I feel." & so then now he or she starts to ask do you love me? & you start goin' "ofcourse I love you." Well say it. & then it becomes well say it twice, say it 3 times & then all the sudden it becomes, I hate you. I hate you. & then you're goin' omg he or she hates me. & now it's like, I hate you more then anything. & then it's like, we're over. & there like no were not & you're like "yes we are." & now the words just completley do not work at all. You're left with nothing you're throwin' punches underwater, you're done. You know what the moral of that story is? If there is one.. NEVER, ever ever ever underestimate the power of.. "I'de like that."

-Jessica Olgens rokenbowrds
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