grrr i hate goodbye's.. i love ya dra thank you for making this last summer of mine in midland memorable.. even though we had so many up's and downs and drama usually started by pat, your mom, or brando.. it was still a kick ass summer.. i'm really going to miss you and your aunts and b-rad and jeremy and larry and his sex talks lol that kid cracks me up.. i need to get some party clothes like he has lol! but i owe you big.. if i didn't have you this summer i would have sat on my ass a looooooooot and i appreciate you always having time for me even though you had a lot of shit going on in your own life... just promise me you'll never settle for second place.. you deserve to make it somewhere in life.. i dont want to see you as just another trashy kid.. i want you to go far in life.. get your CNA certificate back from your mom and get a good paying job.. kendra you deserve that.. and by the way you spent my money you're going to need a good paying job.. you better not go to chickity or little ceasars without me.. well dra i'm really glad i met you this summer even though it has to end like this.. just .. dont forget about me and i'll always be here for ya baby.. love ya..
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