living is the longest thing you will ever do.

Mar 14, 2006 20:42

i really don't care how corny or lame or sappy this entire entry will get because i know what it's going to sound like at the end.

today at our retreat, people made me realize more in several hours than even my BEST friends ever have in my entire life. the hours and hours of talking with one single candle was just such a universal feeling of intervention and so relieving in so many ways. the group of 14 people in period d liturgy is something i will look forward to sooo much now. i can walk into that room with the hugest smile and give every single person a hug and i think that's so awesome, because in the beginning i didn't know half of them. when we were doing the opening prayer and a few of the kids in the class just started that will i song or whatever, i got goosebumps and just thought over and over again how awesome that was. i'm really lucky to be surrounded by 14 new (some old and cherished) friends that i could just open up to. i feel like myself completely around each and every one of them and that is just something that is mind boggling, considering where all our relationships started. when we all blew out the candle at the end it was the most perfect ending to something so great that is just starting, and i think it will continue on next year- that's my firm belief. i came up with the idea to go around in the circle, and focus on one person, and each person would have to say something nice and what they thought about the focused individual. i was never at a loss for words, and to hear what people said about others- i think i had some tears in there. no longer do i have to question my position in that class, or any high school situation anymore. everyone wants the same thing out of life and we all have the same values and same exact thoughts. it really opened my eyes to what's around me, best feeling EVER. really. i knew the retreat would have an effect on me but i didnt think this much and i couldnt be happier.

there's my heartfelt entry for a while. really is amazing what retreats do for a group-- annyyyways, in the meantime, jeff and i got tickets to see brandnew (with jamie duh) so us three are going to be three out of the lucky 150 going. so exciting.
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