(no subject)

Oct 30, 2005 15:35

*A broken heart is when you actually refuse to get out of bed in the morning because you are afraid of the reality that awaits you.*

*A broken heart is when you think about the individual that broke your heart constantly. You reminisce the "Good Times" almost as if the "Bad Times" never existed.*

*A broken heartis when you are crying yourself to sleep every night and yet crying more and more each morning.*

*A broken heart is the unforgettable smell of his shirt that sits in that empty box; stowed away.*

*A broken heart is the cold shattering feeling you receive when you hear the syllables of his name.*

*A broken heart is glancing at the pictures of the two of you, and then quickly turning your attention to something else, to avoid your tears.*

*A broken heart is re-reading his ancient letters and putting away the jewelry that he once bought for you.*

*A broken heart is secretly wanting to run back to him and secretly wanting to just be loved by him again.*

*A broken heart is asking desperately for just one last chance with the only person responsible for your loneliness.*

*A broken heart is pretending to not care what his friends are saying about you.*

*A broken heart is forcing yourself to hang up the phone after you have dialed the first three digits to his number.*

*A broken heart is screaming and begging for a second chance inside.*

*A broken heart is the emptiness and heart-wrenching feeling you encounter when you see him with his new love.*

*A broken heart is knowing that no matter what you do or say to yourself, you can't fool your heart into believing that you will in fact "Be Alright."*

*A broken heart is seeing him and even though it may be the hardest thing that you have ever had to do but, you decide to walk away.*

*A broken heart is listening to that one song that makes you break down, over and over again.*

*A broken heart sometimes means: Not wanting to go on.*

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