May 28, 2005 21:10
Ack! Im so bored tonight. I've been desperately wanting to go clubbing since school let out, but I just found out the other day that everything in town switched back to 21+. Im so devistated cus all I wanna do is go dancing and there is no place to go dancing if your are between the ages of 19 and 20. I guess I will have to go make a trip to Phoenix in order to have some fun. Grrrrrrrrrr.
OMG I saw myself on a commercial last night! When I was 17 years old, my friends and I would go dancing at Breaker's Water Park every Friday night for Teen Night. One night, there was a whole bunch of video cameras around tape recording the dance-offs in the ring. I guess they used some of the footage to make a commercial out of it. So yeah if you see a girl with her hair pulled back in a green bikini top and shorts looking like she's having a great time......Its ME!!!! It's aired so far on all of the basic cable channels along with MTV and VH1. Woot! I get my spot light once again.
On the filp side today was a very sad but good day at my work (Gymnastics World teaching little kids gymnastics). One of my co-workers/ friend's dad died last week from cancer. I wish I was a better friend with her so that I could make her feel a little happier. She's only 19 years old. That's to young to loss someone that close. On the flip-side some of my students got a skill that they have been working on for a year on the uneven bars today. I was so proud of them. Also, I will be making a little extra money next week cus someone wants some private lessons and I was asked to do 2 birthday parties. This money is all going towards an Xboz, which I have been dying to get since my boyfriend Micheal introduced me to Halo 2 and Star Wars. It soo fun.
Well yeah thats all.