Jun 24, 2007 22:39
Sweet nelly, I haven't had a day off from work in over a week. And the only reason I'm getting this Tuesday off is because I informed my boss that I HAVE to go to physical therapy that day. Otherwise I'm pretty sure he'd make me work TWO weeks straight without a free day.
I think I might die.
My first official day of work I waitressed in my little fancy yacht club uniform (complete with button down white shirt and blue bow-tie) at a huge fancy wedding, cocktailing for people and opening wines. Well I was wandering around making sure everyone had their drinks, when I came upon these two guys in their late twenties standing on the veranda; and I politely said, "Can I get anything for you gentlemen?" And one of them (the drunk one) said, "Hey..What's your name?" I replied with my name, whilst pointing at my nametag...and his clever responce was, "Kelsey? That's a stripper name!!" Then proceeded to eye me like a pole was about to appear, and I about to slide down it.
I just sort of looked at him stunned and honestly don't even remember how I responded. He then said, while wobbling, "I feel sick....Hold me!!!"
At this point his friend was looking very embarrassed, and I started to back away after a smarmy responce, when he said, "Wait, take my beer!" (As he was holding an empty bottle...) And I walked over to take it, and he pulled it back and said, "Wait it's not quite done yet..I just want you to stay and hang out for a while!"
So I ran away. Wow. Might I say that has NEVER happened at the club before, and I sort of wanted to smack that guy.
Stripper name. Pah.