May 26, 2005 19:33
i love the little things about you
i love watching you eat
after you eat something you do that
wash thing with your drink in your
mouth .. then right before you
finish your drink you chew your ice
cubes .. i can't get enough of you
from the grass throwing .. to the fits
to catching me in the air and spinning
me around to busting me in the lip open
and making it bleed or making my toe
bleed .. the way you beat me at
mario and i say i win just to irritate
you and saying the stupidest things so
you'll pay attention to me
.. being outside talking about
summer and how we know we're gunna always
be together and always be there for eachother
and how we'll always have fun together and
coming over at 10 in the morning and snuggling
with me you've made my past school year amazing
what i would do without you i have no clue
you're my everything just wonderful ...
I Love You more then you'll ever know
you're seriously my world .. and i just
can't get enough of you .. you're beautiful