Oct 22, 2004 01:12
(Yeah, so I haven't posted in a while. Unlike some of you, I have a life. :p)
My sister got me drunk. I was, what, about 14. Closer to 15 really, and in my head that was basically 16 which meant I was this close to being an adult. And yes, I wasn't exactly hanging with the best crowd but I never made it in the girly girl set, and in the podunk little town I grew up in there wasn't exactly much else to do.
Lauren knew all this, of course. She'd been through all of this a few years earlier, and didn't want me to have to do the same. No, this wasn't a "turn-the-kid-sister-off-the-demon-alcohol" thing. The fact is the first time you get drunk you're guaranteed to make an utter idiot of yourself, and the next few really until you figure out just what your alcohol tolerance is and what kind of drunk you are. So she provided a safe environment for me to experiment, and covered for me with the parents when things inevitably didn't go so well.
I really do have the best sister ever.