So, J-Crew has been defeated. The ringleader was fired recently, too, but I didn't find that out until tonight from Michael, and it was his last night. I got to talk to him at the end of lunch and at last break and I'm so glad I had the chance. I was able to clear up some stuff and also share something very close to my heart. I also had the opportunity to thank him for being around and just, idk what to call it, to have made himself available to be used by God to cheer me up when I needed it the most. He's said a lot of things at perfect times, unbeknowst to him how much better he made me feel for it. What he said and when he did, without any prompting or info from me, made it all the more impactful.
He never knew the 240lb scared and shy me, but he knew me when I was at my best, and he was there, yet didn't notice, when I hit my lowest low. He was always innocent to the drama and that's what made him a real blessing in disguise. I'm going to miss him, but like he said this morning, "We'll run into each other in the great blue yonder. It may not be any time soon, but it was a pleasure knowing you. Every day is a new adventure and a new chance to know what happiness is. Let's find some more of it."
It was a great pleasure knowing you, too, man. I'm glad I could tell you how much you mean to me face-to-face and very glad for the big hug. You'll never read this, nor find it on the vast expanse of interbutts (because you don't know that Japanese is my heart language nor what my last name is, lol), but thank you. Thank you thank you thank you! m (_ _) m *bows*
And for the meme:
- Leave a comment saying "What's up?!"
- I'll ask you five questions to satisfy my curiosity.
- Update your journal with the answers to your questions.
- Include this explanation and offer to ask other people questions.
domino43 asked me the following:
1) Who is your favorite Band/Artist?
Easy. Megadeth. Wrote about them
here My current obsession, however, is Queens of the Stone Age. Mmmf on all counts.
2) Who/what inspires you?
My feelings fuel a lot of what I do. Whatever I'm feeling or thinking impacts what I write... I guess a better answer would be other people's genius and talents. Their abilities make me want to celebrate theirs with my own forms of expression. Learning inspires me a lot, too. Just the intake process of learning, the journey one takes when they discover something new, inspires me to do more of that... IDK I'm not sure I understood the question, lol...
3) What is your dream job?
I don't really know anymore... I'll go with what I wanted to be as a child-a paleontologist. Always loved dinosaurs and did before Jurassic Park came out. The first and only book I ever stole from my school library was one about dinosaurs. I'm sure if I ever move out and have to pack up everything, I'll find it.
But of course, I'd only pursue this profession if I packed my luggage with all of the sunscreen one small city may use in a lifetime.
4) If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I want to go back to Japan. I want to live there for a longer time than I have previously. But, I am fond of greenery and rain. Maybe New Zealand? The place is irrelevant if it feels like home. ♥
5) Why are you so awesome, bb? How do you get yourself (and your muse) in the mood for writing?
I never stimulate the muse; it stimulates me. The muse overtakes me when it bequeathes an idea on me. Sometimes it will start as an errant word or sentence that pops into my head. And from there, I'll ask myself 'what is a good connecting sentence?' Depending on my mood determines if it becomes poetry or prose. The content, 9/10 times stems from my emotional state at the time. Poetry comes from something I've experienced, more times than not. Prose comes from thoughts/ideas that I haven't yet experienced or realized fully-or it's absolute allegory. If the muse blindsides me, I will rush and find anything scribbleable and get down my thought before it flees. If it's an idea for a story or poem I want to write, I roll the idea around in my head and play with it for sometimes hours, up to weeks, until I get something I want to put down. Sometimes it's born on paper; sometimes in an open Wordpad (since I use the house PC mostly) document.
I guess what I tried to say in all that is that I never put myself into writing so much as it just happens at me. What you usually get is the end product of letting the moment grasp and take hold of me. The adventure is there all along; it's just whether or not you accept the mission, you know?
That's why I could never be a serious writer. I don't have ideas just lined up waiting for me to call their number.
Everyone ready for the pic of the day?
Mum, 18
I also have a set of shades identical in shape... wtf me.