(no subject)

Jul 13, 2005 22:44

Helloo, weeeel summers been greaat so far! its feels like skool was forever ago n i like that! hoping for a job at boston pizza, my mom wants me to get one at longos but it seems kinda crappy! hoping for lindsay to come down very soon which'll be very awsum if it happens! my lil vacation with her was very fun! i reaaaalli wanna start going to wonderland soon, who has a seasons pass?! well tomorrow shud b fun, it was pam's b-day on tuesday (luv her to bunches) and we're celebrating it tomorrow =) i reaaallli hope he comes...welll i'll try n not get my hopes up! hope everyones summer is going great. hope to see more "the group" soon! starting to miss everyone.....*much luv!

1.What Time is it now? 10 45 pm

2.What is your name? katie
3.Single or taken? mostly single!
4.What does your name mean? katie means pure =) hehehe
5.Who picked out your name? sister patti
6.What's your nickname? umm..kates, kt, joe, cokes, lido monster lmao ann! i thot of another-booboo! remmeber with gigi? longgg time ago! lol
7.How old are you? 15
8.What colour are your eyes? brownish sumtimes greenish
10.What size are your shoes? 8
12.Tall (or short)? short? short
13.Honestly what do you like about yourself? hmm....i love when i have fake nails!!
14.my talents: talking
15.What is your worst quality? i think i'm annoying

16.Phone Number? just ask
18.Hair colour? brownish
19.Do you wear contacts? nope
20.Who do you live with? family
21.Favourite Drink? nestea
23.Favourite month? summer/december

24.Favourite Food? potatoes, pasta, fries, bacon, brownies

25.Favourite board Game? umm me n my mom play scrabble...
26.Favourite Web Site? shrug.
27.Favorite clothing Brand? whatever i think looks nice.
28.Favourite day of the Year? i guess my birthday
29.Favourite colour? green n pink!
30.Favourite Animal? dog

31.Do you have more girl or guy friends? girls!..
33.Are your parents together? yes they r
34.How often do you get together with family? well i have a BIG family so when we get2gether theres alot of us n it happens not so often altogether
36.Anything special about your parents? they raised 5 kids.
37.Siblings and their ages? danny-26 i think, tommy-23, jules-21 or 22, patti-20 woah i jus realised they're all in their 20s!! thats scary
38.You're a flirt? nooope

41.You like someone? yeep
42.Can you keep secrets? yeeep
43.Do you dance in front of the mirror? whoo told u! lol nooope.
45.You sing in the shower? if i feel like it

46.You liked Britney Spears? nah
47.You've liked a cousin? um...not in that way :O eww!
48.You've been in the opposite sexes' bathroom? mhm.
49.You've seriously hurt someone? i hope not
50.You've been hurt seriously? cud say so
51.You swear? from time to time.
52.You get your way? i try to, but only when i'm lucki
53.You're willing to try new things? yes i am
54.You've cheated on a test? can't help it!
55.You've smoked? nah.
57.What are you wearing? pj pants, joe-boxer shirt 
58.What colour is your underwear? umm purple-ish (the ones felina got me, hehe)
59.What are you listening to? the noise of the computer
60.How are you feeling? giddy happy.
61.What are you doing? thats a hard one, let me think
62.What are you eating? nothing.
63.How many people are online? dun feel like checking.
64.The weather? niicee! but a bit too humid.
65.What's on your mouse pad? dun gots one!.
67.How many lip glosses do you have? umm i always loose mine...so like currently 5
69.What's in your purse? omgosh everything, too long to list

70.Peircings on guys: depends on who.
71.Tall or short boys? taller then me
73.Good or bad boys? bad but have a gud side to them
75.Long hair or short hair on boys? depends on which one suits him :)
76.What do you find annoying in a guy? mr.big-shots
77.What's the first thing you notice about guys: eyes, smile, personality.
78.What kind of cologne do you use?
79.What's in your pockets?
80.Boxers or briefs?
81.Blonde or brunette girls?
82.Tall or short girls?
83.Piercings on girls:
84.Long or short hair on girls?
85.Good or bad girl?
86.What do you find annoying in girls?
87.What's the first thing you notice about girls?
88.What was the last movie you saw? sum random on satiliette
89.What did you have for dinner? salad (jus lving the no-junk food thing<--sarcasm)
90.What are you hoping for? for tomorrow to be awsum
91.Have you ever fallen asleep in school? yeeah dreamnt n everything lmao it was funny
92.What movie do you really want to see? wedding crashers luks gud
93.What are you hoping for? refer to question 90.
94.What's your locker combo? 50ish-30ish-50ish, never cud get it rite the first time lol
95.Where is your favourite place to travel? for a lil trip-midland big trip-mexico!
96.What did you last dream about? last nite i had a dream i was on a plane n there was like a bomb on it that blew sum of it up n it was on a skool trip n it was all over the news n when we landed everyone made a big deal about it, lmao strange eh
?7.What was the last thing you ate? frozen yogurt
98.If you were a crayon what colour would you be? green or pink
99.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? mason
100.Do you like the person that sent this to you? no-one sent it to me i alreadi said it was from jacqui who was from felina n i like them both!
101.Last movie you watched? you like repeating questions, dontcha ?
102.Ever had a crush on a teacher? naah

103.Are you too shy to ask someone out? depends on the situation but i prob wudnt.
104.Scary movies or happy ending? depends on my mood.
105.Summer or winter? SUUMMMERR.
106.Relationships or one night stands? i like relationships
107.Chocolate or Vanilla? choc.
108.Do you want your friends to write back?....
109.Who is most likely to respond? .....
110.Who is least likely to respond?......
11.What did you do last night? hung out with patti n jogged (almost died coz it was so damn hot)

112.Anything else you want to add? it seems like everyone has a job now.
113.What time is it now? 11 30pm but i left for a while to talk on the phone lol

114.Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? oh yeah

115.How many guys/girls have you ever dumped? they barely count but 4.
116.How many times have you been dumped?? once.
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