Jun 19, 2005 19:18
So yeah, everyone thinks that working at Amy's is fucking awesome...yeah fucking right... The pay is shitty, and they work you to the bone... I found out that I'm severely anemic too, that makes everything wonderful and that I'm dropping weight...which isn't cool either. I just need a week off or something, but that won't happen because now I have to start making rent. But that's fine, I can't wait to move in to my apartment... Shit, so much has happened since I last posted. Damn, I feel kinda bad now, my journal shouldn't really exist, I only write when I'm extremely bored at home, and at my new place I won't have internet so we'll see how much posting goes on when that comes. But the apartement is gonna be bad ass, Noah is fucking cool, and I get to bring my Sascha with me, hoorah!!! Only thing is that it's kinda down south but whatever it's fairly cloes to work, and the best deal we found, I can't wait July needs to hurry up and come already.
I can't believe today's father's day and I didn't even get to spend time with him, because of fucking Amy's surprise surprise, I had to open today, meaning being at work by 10:30, blah! And working until 6:00, dropping Geoff down on 6th so he could go get his bar hopping on, and now here...being bored doing absolutely nothing... but that's ok, because I have to be back up at Amy's at 10:15 tommorrow morning. wahoo, I'm officially the Sunday/Monday opener. \
Things new in life... not much really, got a rad new phone, and new clothes (finally), got my first holes in my ears gauged, only to a 10, but I'm going for an 8 maybe even a 6 we shall have to wait on that. I also decided on my tatoo the other day when I was tripping with Walker, who I probably won't see again in a looooonnnnnnggggg while.... no commment on that. But I swear when I was on the roof of his and DanCan's house I saw the fucking gods of Mt. Olympus, it was awesome, until they turned into hands and were coming at me, then faces...trippy...And Alex's b-day party was pretty fun, all I did was bring my boy H-Brown and all these other McCallum motherfucker's showed up...not cool, because Alex didn't want it to get that big, or rather not know any of the people that are drinking off of his birthday kegs...understandable...but me and H-Brown just be chilling; not trying to start shit... ahhh....all the drama, and we thought that high school meant the end of that, how bout never...
Don't you wander sometimes who your real friends are, I mean the ones that ARE going to be there when you need them most, not just tell you they will be... I was thinking during my trip about that, and I couldn't come up with one person who I could solely depend on...which is good though, independance is wonderful, but I wish that there was someone that I could share stories, and ideas and randomness with that I know would never think I'm crazy or a dumb bitch...oh, which reminds me I almost got in a fight the other day...with a dumb bitch named Tara. Hah, I hope she reads this, but not really, I don't know, I was drunk and took some valumes, so yeah, I was ready to go...but she woulnd't "step outside." Haha, I was so ready to just deck her and get out all the built up angst from the past 4 god damn years...I'll get her one day, no way is she going to walk all over me for 4 years and never have to pay for it... Well I'm getting tired of this computer and this house, I think I may just go get dressed and play some pool, or something...I dunno, if anyone reads this and wants to chill...holla at your girl! peace man!