head fucking bang! idiot free 2k7!

Aug 25, 2007 01:27

last night i drank to the point where i was texting myself.
here are a few of the text messages:

"note to self get drunk more. it's a. more exciting. b. makes time fly by and c. makes you realize how much life sucks."

"on a scal of one to drunk im fucking wasted"

"weed makes the night more interesting and everything around you intense. every motion, taste, thought is 4 times more apparent to you"

"things come in fours. what the fuck am i talking about?"

i ended the night in front of the toilet and woke up with the gnarliest hang over in the world. matty tried making food and i even turned that down, i was in bad shape. no bueno. i never get sick when drinking, i guess my tolerance has gone down since i haven't been drinking as much as usual. either way i still had fun before i started feeling like death.

today i recovered and tonight i went to the fucking wrath, ox vs thunderbird welcome home from tour show with glass and ashes and charman. it was a lot of fun seeing all my friends and seeing the boys play, i missed them a lot. last night matty came over and we went and stayed the night at his parent's house in the valley cause he was house sitting, i fucking love him.

it feels so good to see all my really good friends that always know how to have a good time without any bullshit and drama. i've done a lot of weeding out recently and it's not so much i don't like some people as much as i just don't like the drama and bullshit they are constantly wrapped up in, if it's not one thing it's something else and i just can't hang with that anymore. i rather sit in my room alone then be out dealing with bullshit. i feel like i've managed pretty well the last couple weeks, besides when i get phone calls or ims from people with their he said she said bullshit, i really don't fucking care about any of that shit. i just want to live my life doing what i enjoy doing and having a good time and all my ventura friends have constantly shown me what that's all about.

so fuck yeah! fuck the idiots, they can all suck it while being trapped in their circles of drama and bullshit.
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