summer 05

Sep 04, 2005 18:02

So this summer is coming to an end.
I dont think i have been through so many
Ups & downs in my whole life.
From all my best friends & people i barely know to the
things people will say just to make themselves feel better.
Lets start at the beginning...

I cant even describe how fun the beginning of the summer was.
There was something going on everynight & i was with tons of people
that i loved hanging out with everyday.
I pretty much spent everyday with krista & not once did i get sick of her.
We would hang out with Matt every single day & ususally spend the nights
hanging out with him too.
I became alot better friends with alot of people.
I kinda didnt hang out with Johanna that much because she liked hanging out
in Waterford alot & i liked hanging out with people I knew & went to school
with in Clarkston.
Which i kinda regret now because Johanna is one of my best friends & when
i did hang out with her i did have fun, like at Kelly's & what not.
But we sure did have our good times this summer & i wouldnt
trade them for anything in the world.
But it happens & we are still really close no matter what because i love her.
Kinda same thing with Bianca & Ashley.
I didnt see much of them this summer either, but when i did i loved it.
With them i feel like i dont have to see them or hang out with them to
feel like we are best friends, because I know they will always be there for me
no matter what, kinda thing.
We went to Wills bonfires, Hung out at Ryan Smith's & Sullivans.
Justin Tanners property was always fun times.
All the concerts, my favorite three, Journey, Lynard Skynard, & Tom Petty.
All the little arguments we all go into with eachother, all the laughs we shared.
Big Wills black jokes always were halarious.
Going Tubing with Nick, Matt & Webb was good times.
Spending the night with Nick, making up & breaking up, to now just being friends.
That story will never end, it cant.
Making drunk phonecalls we all regret the next morning.
Summer is when new friendships begin, old ones become stronger.
I think im always gunna love summer.
But soon we will be back in school, our lives will all be back on track.
But I'll miss this summer, it was my favorite.
I'll miss going to inferno with Steve & Drew.
Playing volleyball at brookes with a whole bunch of people.
Boy talks with Mary & sleepovers.
Steves little get togethers.
Deer lake with all those crazy boys.
Getting up early to go work out at the highschool & not really working out.
Pulling all nighters till 9 am.
The innocent nights.

"Heres to the nights we felt alive, heres to the tears you knew youd cry"
"Heres to goodbye, tomorrows gunna come too soon"

That pretty much just sums everything up for me.
I'm going to miss showing up at random places.
Driving around all night listening to music.
Going somewhere for only five minutes just to see him.
Being drunk & trying to take care of other people.
Throwing parties when the parentals are outta town.
Looking out for one another.
Going to the Beach with the girls.
I think i have grown up alot this summer.
I have let go of the past & moved on.
I'm ready for this school year, I loved this summer
but im going to put it behind me, hold on to the memories
i have made, laugh about them every now & then & focus.
I'm gunna keep the friendships i have made this summer &
make them better.
I'll remember everything everyone said to me & what i said to them.
& take that into account.
I have made my mistakes this summer, but i have learned from them too.
I dont really have any regrets, I think everything happens for a reason.
& im glad everything that did happen, happened, because it was suppose to.
I really wouldnt have anything any other way right now.
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