Oct 22, 2007 14:44
sunday, october 21, 1211 (evansville time)
i woke up at 630 this morning (830 eville) totally refreshed and definitely ready to get up and do something.
but jordan and meghann were in bed, so i just made some coffee and toast and read a little bit. i am reading the alienist that kathy loaned me so long ago, but i never got a chance to read it because we were reading david copperfield and i couldn't do both at the same time. anywho, i read a few more chapters in that and i am digging it, i suppose. i haven't been in the mood to read recently. i can't find a contentment in anything right now--crochet, reading, piano. i can't find something that satiates my behaviors and personality and moods in the past month or so. i will find something.
most of that inability to be content stems from work.
very frustrated, very annoyed, very tired of just everything little thing that happens right now. i need to find a new line of employment, hopefully away from customer service. also i want to move. and i miss linda k.
let's see.
jordan has put it in my head that there's this boy who works in the wine shop at her work that has a crush on me.
he's very adorable and very sweet and we've had a few brief encounters and just exchanged pleasantries as we pass.
but he keeps asking jordan questions about me. and i noticed that yesterday while i was at the wine tasting, he kept watching me and everytime i would do something and look over, he'd be watching. then jordan and i went to pick out a white wine for a party we're having on wednesday, he was just standing there near us. then i made a funny joke to jordan about something and he was listening and he laughed. so, i hadn't noticed all this at all until jordan said that he was asking about her and she thinks he has a crush. so that put something into my subconscience and i was dreaming about it all night last night, which is nice, but also annoying.
anywho, i'm going to go in and see him today and maybe purchase a bottle of wine or something. yeah, you can buy wine here on sundays!
today, all i really need to get done is go to the grocery store to buy some half and half. because i used the last of it with my coffee. and i might buy something else for dinner, jordan and meghann made potato and leek soup, which was delicious, so we have some of that left over, some salad, some left over pizza, and a few other things. so we're just going to have everything we can as leftovers.
the rain here really depresses me and i couldn't possibly live in a place that rains as much as it does here!
it's cold and dreary. and you never know just went to expect the rain. blah! whatever.
i need a haircut and i brought my clippers, so i might do that sometime soon.
i cut my hair yesterday.
not too bad.