Mar 10, 2005 15:48
Well.. I know, I haven't updated in a LONG time! I'm sorry, but I did update, but then it got erased, so that got me really frustrated and I didn't update it again..
So the weekend was good, hung out with Tash a lot, we had many good talks! Haha. Then I went to the basketball game, and they won and it was a really good game. This weekend went by very very fast.
Yea.. Its now the weekday again, and its school again.. I don't like school lately. It's been so boring! And plus, I'm REALLY mad at mr. principal because he promised tina and I a snowday this week from a bet and he even signed a form! And now he says we will get a "special treat" which really makes me mad. Well only 1 day of school left, which makes me kinda happier though... Alsooooo...
8 days until cancun!
Sorry for the short update, nothing exciting has really happened, i'll update tomorrow maybe.
"See where your own energy wants to go,
not where you think it should go.
Do something because it feels *right,
not because it makes sense.
Follow your own pulse."