Jul 09, 2005 02:04
ah..yes! im home!! pretty happy but soo sad at the same time!!
i had a great time in miami..and then newyork! miami was crazzyy!! like always! lol i had a awesome time with my cousin jennifer that i was with the hole time in miami and we went to newyork together aw omg jen love ya so much had a great time and i miss you like crazy! ahh..who do i pee with now??? wheres my change? lolol haha inside jokes between us!! lol but i had a great time in miami of course i was wallin out yall now me!
and then Newyork! omgg...!! crazy! i had a great time there too!!yeah i was with my Grandparents and yah me and jen are there little girls and yeah they have us on lock but pshh!! wut grandma dont know wont hurt! lol of course yall know me im crazy just me by my self but wen im with jen ha..lol there is nooo stopping us of course we snuck out of coure we did stuff behind there back and of course we were gunna make are Vacation the best! so we did..most of the time i was with are other cousins that i had a great time with them cuz there crazy fun! haha and of course my cousin had a friend that was always with him that Kathy fell head over hells for..but lets not get into that!
anyways i had a great time and i wanna go back in time cuz i miss it like crazyy!!
but ya im home..
havent done much but just chill cuz im soo tired..didnt sleep much too busy partying! lolol
anyways well im home!
i miss you ppl!
well.ima go