Dec 20, 2009 17:48
I just came back from the most awesome camp I've ever been to. And I wonder why this is the first church camp I've gone for. Right now I wish we could've just stayed there forever. The safe environment of the church, with our eyes focused on God for three whole days, encouragement from everyone around, and the spirit of God... It was easiest to just forget about everything that was on my mind, and just trust God fully.
Yes, I'm setting my priorities right. Gotta listen out for the still small voice. I hope I never forget this feeling. Even after the camp high dies down.
Well. Other than that, I would say this camp is The dirtiest camp I've ever been to. Seriously. The first day, we have to stick our hands into one of four buckets (they're all covered, so, whichever you pick, good luck.) and find the white marbles. I was REALLY lucky to have stuck my hand into the nicest bucket - maggi mee with curry seasoning (which made my hand stick for the rest of the day. i couldn't even go to the toilet to wash it off!) The other three were live mealworms, water + live frogs, and... hmm i can't remember the last one. There was another station where they'd have to compete to see who could stand longest in a squatting position over chairs filled with chilli, ketchup, mustard, and all sorts of liquidy rubbish (and they'd eventually be pushed down anyway.) Thankfully we didn't get to do that station.
Yesterday there was quite a bad station called Candy Land, where you had to sit there and they could do whatever they wanted to you. Put nail polish on your feet, paint your whole body/clothes (acrylic paint), put flour over you, gel up your hair and put some yellow stuff in it, dump peanut butter/chilli/mustard/ketchup on your face/hair... oh and spray you with coke. Absolutely horrible. Guess my sensitive nose saved me, though. After walking past the other groups who had gone through the station, I was super nauseated after smelling them. Probably the mixture of the army camouflage paint + ketchup + everything la. So yes, when it was our group's turn, I really needed to sit out.
One thing I'm very thankful for in church are the TAG-ers. Who do everything in love, talk to you to genuinely know more about you, and would sacrifice playing with the other guys just to sit and talk with the tired girls. Somehow, I never feel anything less than loved when I'm with the bunch of them. (It still feels weird to be called 'bro', though.)
Also, The Sprouts was an awesome group. We weren't very competitive, we didn't win many of the games, but everyone was so encouraging and friendly. Hopefully we'll stay in touch. =)
Amazingly, someone just told me he sensed that something was going on at the sports school, on Friday night. The night that I really sensed the holy spirit speaking to me about my worries. The night when everyone knelt down and was silent for so long, in His presence, just talking and surrendering ourselves to Him. Wow.
On the way back home, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have so many people in my life who can help to guide me along. Mentors and friends, people I can trust with my innermost thoughts and feelings, knowing they won't judge, and knowing I can count on them to help me stay on this road forever. I thank God for these people, and I love you guys very much. (You know who you are.)
With everything, with everything
We will shout for Your glory
With everything, with everything
We will shout forth Your praise