Apr 21, 2005 22:19
ok i havnt updated in a realliii long time so lets go day by day
Fridaiii-shamira n her sis sam came over n we played volleyball n the ball hit me in the face...it was reallii funnii
Saturdaiii-i met sam at the lake she was wit her cuz n amy n then we went to her house after n then i went to the bronx n i thoiyught i was gunna sleep at my granmas house so i dropped my clothes off ther n then i slept over my aunt and uncles house and had no clothes!
Sundaiii-me n my sis aunt n uncle went to new rock and we saw amittyville horror n then i went to my grandma lus house n had a big italian din din n i saw my aunt n cuzins n my sis was there wit adam it was chill
Mondaiii-shamira n sam came over again n nina n shimmie werked on steos n we all put our too cents in tehn kayla came over n we wer recordin nina n shimmies beats n then we played volleyball after walkin up n down the hill lik 30 times n then she went home n me lulu n sam went across the street n played basketball wit robert joey n juston n then joey n juston lik left is n nina n shimmie came n we decided to play catch the carrier n i friggen didnt notice that robert was ther n i had the ball n outta nowhere he grabs my legs n im on the floor it realliiii hurt lol
Tuesdaiii-me n my sis went to the store wit my mom n we bought ryan zack justin n janique teddy bears n candy-well actuallii only ryan got candy! then me n my sisturrs wen to the bronx n we got lost on the way home cuz my aunt decided to take a diff way n we wer all makin fun of her we wer lik how many times hav u made this trip????n then we got there at lik 10 n then at lik 11-11:30 we decided to go out n get "goodies" it was funnii
Wednesdaiii-we saw sam at the park across the street from my aunts house_-it was so weerd n her lil nephew is sooo cute but he hurt himself it was so sad i felt so bad then me my sisturrs n my aunt went to new roc city and we went to applbees n lik totalliii confuzed the waiter it was funni but we all thougt he was lik a hottiii cuz he ha lik a L.I. accent n at first we thought he was jus lik sum randum guy cuz he was lik waz go0od ladiiz n then we noticed he was our waiter n we all ate lik too much n then we went glow in the dark mini golfing n then we got our licences n we went go cart racin n it was goin so fasst n i only crashed lik 2 times n then hottii was hittin nina n then his hat flew off n then he hit nina n her car turned sidewayz so they had to stop the hole thing jus so they cud turn her aruound LOL it was funnii then we got home at round 9-9:30 n then we went to block-buster n realized the dvds wernt in teh cases so we had to go bak home to get them nt hen we go them n we got without a paddle n friday the 13th n then we decided to go to eckerd n get soda n arizona...n we also bought one of those pool noodles lol but i had a realliiiiiii realiiiiiiiii bad head ache at lik 12-12:30 it hurt so bad so i took a aspirin n in lik 5 mins i was sleepin lol it was funniii
Todaiii-i fought wit my sisturr n then i went to walk the dog wit my aunt n we went to my grandmas n lik as soon as we wer lik not even 1/2 way down the blok we saw my mom pull in so we went bak there fer lik 1/2 an hour LOL n then nina was makin cds which took her fer ever!!!!!!!!!n she cxalled ryan n it was realliii funiii he was realliii out of it n then we got pizza n the pizza giy was lik old ewwwwwww not a hottiie w/e then i went home which is where i am now
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