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Mar 28, 2005 18:05

lets start wit sdaturday it was adams burffday so we made a hole bunch of sign that sed lik haooy bday n 21 n then i made one that sed drunkness and nina made one that sed go get drunk...but keep rosey safe n bagel n shelly wer over so we all stuck signs to our back n did lika dominoe affect asd soon as he walked in n we all nade different sounds wile we turned it was so funnii n we wer lik rehearsing it n then me nina lulu bagel shelly n my mom went to southhills ,all and we saw a movie...hide and seek it was freaky but on the way there we passed this cqar n this kid was sittin in the back with his head fones on n he did this weerd dance move n we all started lkaffin n he turned n saw us n just kept starin at us n then we kept passin the truck n the kid jus stared at us and we wer all just laffin at him n then we had to turn n we waved by toh im n he didnt wave but the kid next to him did n b4 lik we turned we all iopened our windows so we cud do lik peace signs out them but my moim had all her werk papers in her car n wen we opened the windows they all started flyin lik all over the place it was so0o00o funny n that at the mall we all bought sun glasses n wen we wer wealkin out of the movies u no theose big lik 3-d signs that advertise the movies well ye i walked rite into n evrybody who was online n who was walkin in n who was behind us walkin out saw us i felt so0o0o stupid n then i got my hair cut n we went to eat n since there was too many of us to fit at one table we put two tables together n then i turned around n i noticed we left a chair behind n i was lik awww guys look at that lonely chair n then we wer lik evrey where we turn the chairs gunna b there u go to turn in ur bed n bam theres the chair n u go to get in the shower bam theres the chair again lol we r gunna make a movie bout it and then yesterday was easter n i got alot of candy n stuff n me n my sisters made of list of theings to do wile we stay wit ther over the summer lik a hav a b-day party a pool party trip the alarm so hottie cops come again n make a rap video bnut those are jus a cuople of things we hav on the list n we still hav to look more things up online so we cud add them to the list n today was actually really boring first i wopke up n me n my sisters watched barber shop n then we watched maury n then music videos n then nina left n then i talked to jessica on the fone n then i was online lik all day n themn i xcleaned a lil n then adam called n sed rosemary was really ssick n he wanted to talk to my mom or dad but they wernt home n then i found out later shes on the hospital cuz shes so sick! my mom is there wit her now n my cuzin (ye sam the hott one)came up wit my dad todaii i guess they are werkin together tomomrow but im leavin now

P3AC3 0\\//\\//T
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