Feb 26, 2006 20:30
Cloud9park: i mean why am i here, though? You said, just remember why you're here...I guess that's what I'm missing. The answer to that question.
kiksa19: start from the basics
kiksa19: why are you in your room
Cloud9park: There are things that will always be important to me, and I definitely need to find them again
kiksa19: why are you in your house
kiksa19: why are you in california
Cloud9park: because i need to study so that i can do well on this exam so i can get into UCSC already
kiksa19: ask your self what is your goal for right now
kiksa19: then ask your self what your goal is for life with where you are
Cloud9park: but how are these goals at all relevant to the scheme of things
Cloud9park: i feel so inadequate
kiksa19: well ask yourself then
Cloud9park: i can't set goals like that. they cause disappointment and expectationis
kiksa19: dont let yourself see it as inadequate because then your not going to be able to get motivated or find that purpose that you want
kiksa19: dont necessarily set the goals that are to high
kiksa19: not stuff like get this done by then
kiksa19: but things that makle sense to you
kiksa19: things that ACTUALLY matter and mean something to you
Cloud9park: those things seem so out of reach
Cloud9park: i forget what it's like
kiksa19: remind yourself
kiksa19: dont give up
Cloud9park: i need to be reminded...but i can't go searching for that because it will never come that way
kiksa19: and why not?
kiksa19: your holding yourself back
Cloud9park: because then i'll be looking for it
Cloud9park: and it wont be real
kiksa19: its right in front of you, you dont have to search if you once knew
kiksa19: its ok to relook and asses what we once knew
Cloud9park: but i cant remember what it feels like
Cloud9park: to have passion
kiksa19: if we didnt do that then we arent really growing
Cloud9park: or to love something so whole heartedly that i cant breathe
Cloud9park: or to laugh so hard that i cry and piss my pants
Cloud9park: or to wake up in the morning, truly excited to start a new day
Cloud9park: or to get excited and thrilled when my phone rings
Cloud9park: i just can't remember
Cloud9park: and because of that, i'm running out of faith
kiksa19: show yourself
kiksa19: dont try and remember
kiksa19: show yourself that passion
kiksa19: find it in something simple
kiksa19: watch how a ball rolls across the floor
kiksa19: and think of how amazing it is that it doesnt float away because of gravity is there
kiksa19: think of how amazing pregnancy is
kiksa19: how crazy it is that we only have a small amount of posibility to get that child within us
kiksa19: yet it happens all around the world craeting life
kiksa19: beautiful children that you can see playing together in a park
kiksa19: that you can one day hope to give birth to one and know that you are helping to creat a mind and soul that will ne day be an amzing and glorious person
kiksa19: see the sun in the sky for what it brings to people everyday
kiksa19: walk across the sand and look out to the ocean
kiksa19: and realize that someone else is doing that very thing across the sea
kiksa19: everything is right in front of us
kiksa19: we just have to look at them
Cloud9park: i do these things, and think it in front of me
Cloud9park: but i can't feel it in front of me
kiksa19: dont dtop until you feel
kiksa19: stop*
Cloud9park: ok. i won't stop. i promise
kiksa19: I know you wont
kiksa19: and I know that you can see it if youll let yourself
kiksa19: for a few moments let go of your worries
kiksa19: forget that you dont know all the answers
kiksa19: just let go and your passion will come back to you