(no subject)

Jun 12, 2005 23:54


Went to 2 grad parties: vanessa's and sneha's, both great and very different. Vanessa's was smallish and intimate, which I personally like more (i.e. mine) and I spent quite a while talking to Jim and Sneha's was large and grand. But that's not what the point of this post is. As strange as it sounds, it's to talk about acting.

Sneha had a hypnotist at her party. And they had the guy do a big show. Of course I wasn't part of it, I hate cameras, but after watching it and talking to some of the people who were in it, I came to a conclusion. Acting is a form of self-hypnotism. From my own experiences, from my theatre classes, and from listening to other actors, I have discovered that the trick to acting is to "abandon yourself," that is to lose the inhibitions you have about yourself: your shyness and your self-consciousness. And in doing so you concentrate only on the character and what they're experiencing: you're in the moment. You forget about everything around you and you are completely focused on just the scene. That's the trick to good acting. How does this relate to hypnotism? In hypnotism, the first thing he did was ask them to relax, and made everyone become silent so that they could forget everything that was around them. Once he did that, he gave them something to concentrate on. For example, "concentrate on the funniest joke you've ever heard." They are bringing an experience from their past and feeling just that, forgetting about everything that's around them and concentrating only on that one thing. It takes relaxation in order to forget everything else and just concentrate on one thing, otherwise the people around you are always on your mind. So when you relax and concentrate on one thing, you are in the moment of that scene.

So as they all said, they knew in the back of their mind what was going on. So does every actor. But what they were doing is moving that to the back of their mind and instead concentrating on the scenario they were told. So while I'm not saying they were acting in the sense that they weren't hypnotised, I think the opposite is true, that actually acting is a form of hypnotising yourself into believing something is true, and then going with it.

Ok, end of philosophy lecture. Sometimes I feel like when I listen to music, like when I listen to musical sound tracks, I really get swept away. Sometimes I'm in a perfectly good mood and I listen to a sad song and I start to cry and the next song is happy and my mood changes. Tho granted, this usually happens when I'm alone. When I'm alone and I relax and let it take me places. That said, my mom suggested to me that I should do some acting to get rid of some of my inhibitions and shyness. And I'm really thinking about it, it might be good for me.

Change of topic. Sometimes I feel like I'm in my sister's shadow socially. Sometimes I feel like my younger sister has come up and taken my place with my friends. She was out dancing with all of my friends, and while I didn't want to dance myself, I felt kinda like they didn't want me cuz Robin was almost better than me. I guess it's just that Robin seems to have more social skills while in many ways we are so similar, so I guess she is almost my perfect replacement socially. But sometimes I feel really left out. Like sometimes I wish she wasn't there. I love her and I wouldn't want her to feel left out, but I guess I just feel a little pushed out. But then again it's probably just my imagination, w/e.

And scene.
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