Desired Character: taqueya
Your LJ: mistoline
Character LJ: manas_shadowX
Your Screen name: NamidaQuatre
Character Screen name (does not have to be different from yours, unless you want it): NamidaQuatre (will get another if there is need)
taqueya is Mana's henchman (yes, who do you think I'd play?) - he's a computer freak and he designed Mana's webpage
Monologue†Theatre. He listens to way too much Black Metal than is good for him and likes everything that is dark and strange. He likes getting into deep discussions about all kinds of philosophies and subjects (as long as they interest him) and without him, Mana would probably fall flat on his nose. Good thing he's a friend of Mana's, or else the poor man would be abused in every way possible. (>_<)