We went for our viability scan at Dr. Barwin's office this morning at 8:15am. The sonographer was very quiet as she probed away, with a concerned expression on her face. Both E and I didn't think this looked too promising, but then Dr. Barwin walked in and commented on the "nice little heartbeat". I burst into tears. He told me to relax, because there was still one more sac to examine... it too had a nice little heartbeat.
So there we had it in black and white: twins, one measuring 6w1d the other 6w2d. They didn't measure the heartbeats, but we could see them tripping away. It was absolutely surreal. Beyond surreal. That was MY tummy they were looking at - it wasn't yet another video from the internet I struggled to watch. It was me.
I'm still in absolute shock. E and I are stunned. We both agree that we're far from out of the woods, but we made it this far. Unbelievable.
I get to see them again in 2 weeks.