Jul 20, 2003 07:42
The date last night with Stace was amazing. *Smiles* I decided to cook her dinner and take her out to a club. *Smiles more* It was definately fun and I wouldn't mind taking her out for another date. She and I caught up on old times. Im so proud of how good she's been doing. She's a very talented and amazing woman that I feel bad for not staying in touch with.
After the Challenge for the Children is all over and done with, Im going to be flying with Justin and Stacy back to where ever they need to be for their tour so I can spend more time with her, and I want to support J. I know he'll do the same thing for me once my album is out... Well, at least I hope so.. *Laughs softy* I'm very proud for the both of them.
It should be against the law to be awake this early... *Shakes my head then turns my head to watch Stacy sleep* It shouldn't be against the law that she's here, though. *Smiles and clicks the "update journal" button*