Apr 09, 2006 18:43
Dear Dateline,
I agree with you. MySpace is corrupting our children into doing things that they would never have considered doing before. I've seen the shocking rise in crime rates that support your stance. MySpace is COMPLETELY at fault. They should be able to monitor EACH PERSON's website with their 270-person staff, and decide whether things on their profiles are appropriate. Hell, MySpace should talk to the communists in China, and see what steps they can take to ensure that nobody has any information at all on their website. How can somebody provide software that can be misused so easily? The internet has always been a safe place for my family. And even before then, I made sure that my children never saw anything bad. I made a special mask that you should feature on your show. It's mostly made of duct tape, but it keeps them from seeing the cruel reality of the world.
Thank you Dateline. As always, you are the moral compass that America so desperately needs.
Concerned Parents Association