your kiss so sweet, your sweat so sour

Jan 28, 2006 13:48

Alright, Osama Bin Laden. I think something needs to be done to unify Democrats and Republicans, because Osama seems to be trying to capitalize on the ever-failing relationship between the two parties. I mean, if there's one thing, all politicians are liars and crooks, so why can't they just admit that and then punish everbody instead of just the party in power? Now, I'm a liberal person, but I think that the Democrats need to realize a couple things.

One. Alito is gonna get confirmed. Big deal. If a Democrat were in office, and they tried to throw a liberal judge in there, the Republicans would start whining. I think filibustering is a lame political tactic. It does nothing. Zip.

Two. You guys aren't saints either. All the corruption and stuff that goes on with the Republican party applies to you too. Just remember that.

As for gov't wire-tapping. I think that the administration has basically admitted to the fact that it's illegal. But there need to be clear laws on when a president can and cannot step outside of the law. I understand that the main goal is to intercept terrorist chatter, and that's fine, but you know that the government taps a lot of other people too. Every president, Democrat or Republican, does that. But the public needs to be aware of laws that allow this, because it would clear up some confusion.

Do you remember that kid that was shot a while in his school for bring a gun to it? Well, this teenager brought a pellet gun into his middle school. When a couple other students noticed it, one went to tell someone while another confronted him. The teenager threatened this student and shoved him in a closet. Then he ran off to the bathroom and talked of being suicidal, saying something to the effect of, "Either I'm going to die or kill myself," when the SWAT team confronted him. When he pointed the gun at an officer, they had to shoot him. He died a few days later. Now, before you go griping about how it was only a pellet gun, you have to realize that the SWAT TEAM could not tell the difference between that and a real gun. They're professionals. And it's much better to have killed someone and then found out it was a false alarm, then letting that person kill an innocent kid. Now, all of this is the exact same situation as the guy on the plane a month or so ago. He kept saying he had a bomb, while his wife was shouting that he was schizophrenic and hadn't had his medication. What if he really had had a bomb? The people that shot him were absolutely in the right. I think we need to take threats of all kinds much more seriously.

And rapists. Jeez. Why don't we just lock them up? Like I said, I'm a liberal person, but there's very little chance of rehabilitating somebody who feels the need to rape another person. Not now. I don't have much tolerance for rapists. If it were up to me the lot of them would be killed, but that wouldn't be fair...well, that depends on how you look at it.

And Iran. OK, I really do think we should be concerned about that. Because if they build a bomb, I don't think Israel would hesitate to strike first. Israel doesn't take shit from anyone, I like that about them. The problem is that when dealing with nuclear war, there's more to think about than your enemy.


In lighter news, I started my Facebook up again. No real reason to, but we'll see what happens.

...that's all the lighter news I have. Hahaha.

Peace and Love,
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