Jan 20, 2009 02:02
2009 is starting out to be an amazing year.
Where I'm at right now:
Things are on the right foot this year. 2008 was a year of falling over, getting kicked while I was down, and then being trampled on top of that. 2009 is the year of revitalization, I've decided. Taking stock, I'm still me. A sadder but wiser, but still optimistic and life-loving rogue. I still pursue my dreams and ambitions. I'm conscious of the hurdles and limitations that I have and that I face, but I'm still very much a go-getter, doing what I love and cultivating new interests, learning to grow, and enjoying the process immensely. I've become keenly aware of my strengths and more importantly of my weaknesses and am learning what I can do to compensate for both. I have a heart on the mend that is not yet whole, but is finding ways in which to heal cleanly, truly, and purely. I have a job I mostly enjoy, a house I live relatively comfortably in, and I own too much stuff that I'll eventually get rid of. I've learned to live really and truly independently and while I've lost a lot, I've learned to live without those things I've lost as well, and happily. I believe more than ever that one's happiness is directly controlled by his or her attitude and I'm doing my best to remind myself of the important things in life. I'm learning to love more openly and freely, to tear down the walls and invest my passion in people. My gift for understanding others is growing increasingly stronger and permitting me to have deeper connections with myself, with others, and with the world. I laugh often again. I smile too much.I have dreams and goals, both short and long term, for the future for myself. I'm social. My repertoire of guitar songs playable completely from memory continues to grow. I'm confident about a lot of parts of myself (though I'd be lying to say all, or even most). I still think the girl I crushed on in high school is the most beautiful girl in the world and I wish she would marry me ^_^. I sing in the shower, I tell bad jokes, I have a fondness for kittens, bright colors, soft fabrics, and martial arts, and I have a strong desire to truly live my life and to help others live theirs. And I'm happy, mostly. It's a start.
So happy new year, 2009. May you remind us all of the good things in life, and those things that need adjustment, and to be mindful of those around us. I wish you all peace where you can get it, love where you can find it, and happiness where you can take it.