May 05, 2006 02:40


Who woulda thunk it?
Me, twenty. Nothing feels any different, except for the fact that I'm indifferent about exiting what is supposed to be the most shapely seven years of an adolescent's life...
Being a 'teenager'.

The word twenty, to me, has the same sound as a chiming church bell when it rolls of your tongue. It chatters in the air around your head.
It echoes like an alarm clock that startles you up-and-out of bed and you look at the time - the time flashing in bright red, digital numbers - and you still feel like you have a few more hours of sleep left before you need to get up.
Wash your face.
Pull up your socks.
Head on out that mutherfucking door!

Time wont stand still for anyone. Not even me (ha!).
Which is why this has got to be one of those birthdays where I'll do nothing but embrace and welcome. I've had birthdays before this.
I'll have more after this.
(It sounds like I'm masking somesort of detrimental fear of leaving my teenage years... which may be subconsciously true, but I'm denying it at the present time.)
I'm looking forward to my twenties. I'm just really excited to stare that dirty, winding bitch of a future (which up until recently was quite hazy and unpromising) right in the face and charge toward it like the snarling bull my mother gave birth to.

Two decades down - (hopefully) a few more to go.

Happy Birthday to Moi.

I look at these pictures, and it doesnt even look like me (to me). I'm not sure that sentence even makes sense. . .

You could speculate that this shoot was somewhat inspired by A Clockwork Orange. I wouldn't consider myself a model, but I really like the essence of photography and even being able to be apart of what's captured is really a lot more rewarding than 'looking good'.
Regardless, I think the photographer did a GREAT job, and it's exactly what I was aiming for.

http://www.hedrushphotos.com - for info about the lovely photographer.

... I'M OLD!!!!!
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