I foudn a bird

Nov 07, 2003 13:44

The funniest thing happened not to long ago...I was on the phone with _injection When a bird flew streight into my window- It ran into the glass, made the biggiest noise, and then fell. I looked out side and It was laying there...so I picked it up. I was still on the phone with Natalie and we came to the conclusion that the stork sent this blessing to us, and we agreed to the name scroople. I put him in a box and left him in my room. My mother came home and started yelling at me and the bird went flying out of the box and it crashed into the window again. I burst out laughing so hard. It was halariouse. My mom got more mad at me, which made it so much more funnier. I cought it and let it out ouside...I'm sorry Natalie, but now just wasnt the time.

Wow, that made my day :D
Today is going to be a good day.
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