Monday started... i woke up nauseas because if a very weird cheese cake dream which i refuse to talk about. Then Miyoko bussed it to my house and met my retarted neighbor. So then we went to westwood to pick up nick yager...he ended up meeting us there...we went to urban outfitters and falaffel king i made him buy himself a shirt and me two shirts and a diet coke.
Then sexy soph met up with us
OOh also i made a new shirt monday morning i crossed out my face in this pic because it was the ugliest facial expression in history. I hope you folks like my shirt...
Then we left westwood and i dropped Miyoko off...Soph and i then went for a smoke at the park i got an ice cream (naturally) and called juarez first time he hung up on me. Second time, he said i had a mintue to speak so quickly i spilled my guts to him i even used the words "i care about you" that is very rare for me. When i said this he said he couldnt deal with me and hung up. Then Steve came and picked me up with Sophia we went crusin around Cheviot Hills and i got to hear that Juarez put me on fuckin speaker phone infront of all of his friends when i was talking. Steve felt bad for me... but i guess its good this happened. Cause i was thinking about it and anyone who is that cold hearted can kiss my fat white ass. Then i was walking down the block and ugly whore Davida called me a bitch. Ok the only thing i have to say about that is: is she kidding will live on the same block does she litterally expect me to not egg her house and leave death threats. I swear to god i hate that fuckin whore and ill kill her. well not litterally im just venting but i will get her back. Anyway then i went to sexy soph's pad and we partied then some emo lame asses gave me shirt for my cell phone. It was really just a fuckin great night. Sophia and i did go to our chain smokein make out spot though (the dome in west hollywood)
Can someone please tell me why i look like an emo boy? oh well
Then when i left Sophia's i was going to go home i mean i even turned on my block but i ended up driving around in Javier for like an hour drunk, fast, and blasting the pixies....story of my life.