Jan 13, 2007 00:07
I've had a cold. It seemed small until it hit me like a ton of bricks on Tuesday. I went to the doctor wednesday and it turns out it isn't a cold but a hell of an infection. My old friend - Sinus infection. No surprise, happens to me 2-3 times a year. Along with this there is bronchitis. And this is some bronchitis. I've had it a few times before. It wasn't a big deal....just a smokers-type cough and a wheezing whisky laugh that sounded like a car starter. This time...it is a demon. Anything i do is a chore. I get winded just walking outside. If i have a caughing fit...which does happen more than i'd like....i feel like i've run a marthon and im left gasping for breath. I also have been cough up things that are quite vile. I was given some cough-syrup that has codine in it...it knocks me out. There are few things that are as unsatisfying as drug-induced sleep. One does not wake up rested. the weather is no help either, the cold air feels like glass shards in my lungs. I fear in this cold, damp weather i could catch pneumonia. Also, this morning my parent's hot-water heater has broken and no plumber was available today and tomorrow i don't think anyone could even make it out here. so, i can't take a nice hot steamy shower......which would make me feel like a human again. Also more troubles are on the horizon for my mom's family and she may be taking care of my cousin's 3-year old for a while...how horrific.
Anyway enough whining. On the lighter side of things my parents now have a 5-year old black schnauzer. He's quite cute and well behaved. He does not have one annoying quality...except he doesn't seem to like me or any of the males in the house. Perhaps he can sense that im a cat person or more likelyy he was mistreated by males. The poor dog was abused and neglected by one of his past owners. Anyway...enough for right now.