Wasted my night in front of the television. Well, wasted is maybe too harsh a word. I enjoyed my time, and feel relaxed and ready to tackle projects, but it's already past midnight. Monday night I will want this time back.
But how could I have concentrated anyway, knowing that Joey, CSI, and ER were premiering tonight?!? I couldn't have done any work, so I indulged. (Although, in hindsight, instead of just sitting with homework on my lap, pretending to write during commercials, I should have done some serious knitting. That'll be the plan for next week.)
Oooh, where to begin with the reviews? Start at the beginning, I suppose.
Joey: cute, but pretty mindless -- like Joey himself! ;) The perfect show after a long day! I never watched the first season consistantly, but caught the season finale rerun last week and just had to know how the sexual tension resolved itself! Think I may start watching this one fairly regularily. Joey became my favourite character towards the end of Friends, so I'm kind of happy to see his character doing new things, even though I'm still sad that he and Rachel never really got together. Am amazed that they're adding a new character from a minority group to the show. Didn't think that a spin-off of Friends could have ethnic diversity!
CSI: Have become a relatively recent CSI fan. Since it's generally the only good thing on TV, and it's on almost every channel at least once a day, I've gotten into it.
And I'm usually pretty accepting of their Hollywood-ized science. There are a few things, like how quickly their DNA test results come back, that bother me. And, as my science prof pointed out last class, the indicator they use to detect blood may not actually ever be used for that purpose since it detects alkaline substances, not acidic ones. But I will accept those things going, well, it's sort of close. But the one thing I cannot stand is dumb mistakes in a field I know something about. So I must say: CSI's forensic anthropology SUCKS!
Many of you have heard me rant before about how they reconstructed ears from a skull in one episode. Tonight's episdoe beat that. By taking one -- yes. One and only one -- measurement on the face, they were able to determine without a doubt what "races" a couple of decomposed bodies were from. It doesn't work like that!!! Determining "race" from a skeleton is nearly impossible to do, unless the individual was completely typical of his or her "race", which few people actually are. And it cannot be done from just one measurement! Same with their aging techniques. Doesn't usually work as nicely as it did for them tonight. There are age ranges that you end up with, and even with those variations, not everyone even fits into those age ranges. Writers, do the research! *Grrrr!*
But, other than the skeletons in the trunk subplot resulting in anthropolgical errors, it was a pretty good episode. I liked how they seem to be continuing a bit from where the last episode left off. They don't seem to have much of a continuing story arc with any of their cases, so I'm curious to see how this pans out. If I can stand watching the bad science.
And speaking of unbelievable science and situations, ER was also on.
They pulled a Daron on us and replaced Sam's kid with another actor! (That's Bewitched Daron, not anyone I know named Daron, just to clarify.) They even redid the last sequence with the kid from last season with the new actor to somehow seamlessly introduce him to the show. *groan!* I liked the old kid way better, just like I am a loyal fan of the original Daron.
And the ER had oh so predictable occurances like conflicts arising from new residents not knowing what they're doing and needing to learn the ropes, or residents becoming senior residents and not knowing what they're doing and needing to learn different ropes. Each season they keep inventing new crazy comic relief residents to attempt major malpractice/slack off on the job/overreact to situations. I'm wondering how much longer they're going to be able to keep it up before running out of unusual character quirks to exploit till the major action and drama of sweeps month arrive.
I'm confused about how Sam and Luka could just run off for a couple days without anyone missing them or mentioning them at work. Guess it doesn't matter because it gave them an opportunity to explore more of Luka's mysterious past (which I'm glad they finally did, even if it was only five minutes!) and they also got to hit an antelope as proof that you shouldn't fall asleep while driving. I'm assuming they meant a pronghorn, or else there's an antelope missing from an African-themed zoo in the middle of nowhere on the interstate that I've never heard of.
Oh, corny, predictable ER. I do believe that this will be your last, or second last season. Just won't be the same without Carter.
If all these shows are so bad or corny, why do I keep watching, you ask? Because it's way more entertaining than real life!
Speaking of real life, maybe I should get back to those papers I'm supposed to be stressing over...