Apr 10, 2005 23:22
1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog/site with the answers to the questions and leave the answers as comments on my blog.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
1) In your current path of career choice, do you feel fullfilled, or that you want more? *and I'm not talking about your job, I meant something else, as in the path you're following to achieving that career you want.*
Of course I want more. I just gotta keep on rollin, turning upper management's attention when I can, going above and beyond the call of duty. I think as I stand now, I'm doing more than OK from a career standpoint. some day soon I will be managing my own store hopefully, then god-willing I'll move up the ladder with the company for years to come.
2) How long HAS it been that you've been working there?
in June, It'll be two years. wow.. when you say it like that, you wonder where the hell the time goes. I remember my first BIG release I worked was for madden 2004. and now to see the game sell used for 7.99... It really puts things into perspective lol
3) Why do you feel that most people would rather just sleep around, than to actually settle down?
I'll get back to this one... ::answers other questions:: so now comes the big one...
I think most people sleep around because its easier to "stick-n-move" than it is to maintain a loving, nurturing relationship with someone. Either they're afraid to commit, too lazy, or just downright underwhelmed by the fact that they'd only have one set of genitalia to mess aroud with for the duration of their time together.
The first two i can understand, but the last batch of people I spoke of, those are the ones that really make me sick. This kinda ties in with some of my attitudes towards some of my customers, but it seems to me people are looking for instant gratification. not that i'm having sex with my customers or anything... in fact I haven't had sex since... wow on april 19th, It'll be 2 years.
ok i just totally went off on a tangent...
back on target. it has come to my attention in the past few minutes that my contempt for such people and situations (FWB and such) has diminished over the past few years. I'm not saying I agree with those who choose to sleep around, its just at this point in time I can't create a solid argument against it. It just doesnt work for me, which is why I dont do it.
4) Name a sport you would like to watch/get involved in and why.
I used to wrestle back in high school... so yeah wouldn't do that again, so um...
badminton... YES badminton... only sport i was EVER good at, unless you count chess.
5) Is DDR dead?
The days of going to the arcade just to hang out with people, roam around the mall, and play DDR, yes.
My relationships with some of the people I've met because of it, no.
I started playing DDR because I felt so secluded and isolated at school, and I felt so trapped. I needed some way of expressing myself and just... enjoying myself. I found that in DDR. Deegan, Rahkeem, Chuck, and the gang allowed me to let my doofy side out, something I've rarely ever done prior.
Every so often I'll pop up at a tournament, get on the pad and make an ass of myself, It's what I do, no easier way of explaining it.
So yea I may never step on a DDR machine again, but It doesn't mean I wont drop into the break every so often for some pinball and some orgasm worthy break steaks.