Sep 10, 2005 12:25
As a few of you know, it has been a really rough past few weeks for Ben and I. To be honest, it's sucked a lot. Things are slowly working out though, I'm very glad to say. Hopefully going down there next weekend will help a lot. We'll get to see each other, and talk face-to-face. Which is definatly something we need to do. We both have a lot more to learn in our relationship. I love you honey. I can't wait to see you. I'm really happy that we're going to work this out.
The next thought is a scary one... ready for this? Jess actually has plans every day next week. Well this coming week. I work Monday from 8-4, then I was going to try making plans with Jamie, but my parents decided that they wanted to take me out to dinner for my birthday. The WHOLE family is going. We'll see how good that goes. ::laughs:: Tuesday morning I have a doctor's appointment for a check up on my throat, and I have to be to work for 1:30. Then on Wednesday I have a doctors appointment for my wonderful ::scoffs:: yearly physical. Then I have to work at 1:30. Thursday, my birthday!, I have to work until 4, and then I have plans with Jamie and Kayla, and hopefully Rachael. Then Friday I have to be up and out of my house by 6:30am. Which is going to suck.
After work last night, Mom and I went to dinner at Beiggs. Man, that place is the pitts now. The food is horrible. But anyways. We were sitting there talking, and Mom didn't know that Ben and I had been having problems. I talked to her about it, and what's been going on lately. I was surprised to find out the things Ben and I are arguing about, are almost identical to the things that my parents fought about when I was much, much younger. Only instead of my Mother wanting my Fathers time, it was the other way around. Mom told me that I'm exactly like my Father when it comes to "love". I'm not sure if that's good, or if that's bad. But we talked about how my relationship with Ben is a lot different than with others. Then she was telling me that when she was like 7 months pregnant with me, my Father was working at Anjons in Scarborough (I think that's where it is), one of the waitress' went up to her and told her to her face that she was going to steal my Father away from her (my mom). I thought that was really funny. I didn't realize though just how much my parents have grown since I was a kid. It's amazing, you try so hard to not be your parents, and then you realize that they really aren't all the bad. At least mine.
Mom told me last night that I can ABSOLUTLY not make any plans for my 21st birthday because her and I are going out to the bars. Then she said that for Rachaels 21st birthday she was taking her and I (Rach and I) out drunk bowling. ::laughs:: My mother is a nut. Those of you that know her, know this anyway. She was telling me how she misses girls coming up to the house. And that she enjoyed having Rach here, and Ashley here (although I'm not sure why, but whatever), that she definatly missed Jen, and Kayla, and Becca. I thought that was weird. That came out of the blue. So she said when everybodys back for break or something, we have to get together up here. ::shrugs::
I have a lot of shit to do before I leave, but I don't want to do it. Does that make sense? I have tons of laundry to do. Urgh. It'll be worth it though. ::smiles::
I can't wait for next weekend.
*like a yo-yo*