(no subject)

May 06, 2005 23:54

okay so it's been a while...... it acctuall feels like longer, and just like I said, i'm going to post pictures of everything that's happened in between the last time I updated, until now. Nothing totally exciting, but everyone loves pictures, so if you have a lot of time (cuz theres a lot of pictures)..... click below and have fun. There not really in order.

At the Park (a few days before Easter)



sunrise - the bus ride there

Some random day in E-Commerce during senior week- April 7th I think

Lynne with Jeremiah- my build a bear/frog

*(The next few are liz's bday)*

*Brenda's Bday*

everyone minus erica who took the pic


*F L O R I D A ! !*

.....The view waking up every morning, the ocean is behind the pool but you can't see it here.....



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