
Aug 01, 2004 19:20

What time is it?: 7:38 p.m.
What is the date?: August 1, 2004
Why are you filling this out?: Just wanted to do something.

*~YoU yOu YoU~*
Name: Jessica Fleenor
Do you like it?: I guess I have to like it.
Age: 17
DOB: June 17, 1987
Height: 5'4"
Hair colour: Golden Blonde
Eye colour: Greayish Blue
Where do you live?: Dryden
Do you like it there?: I guess so
Where were you born?: Lee County Community Hospital
Astrological sign: Gemini
Shoe Size: 5 to 5 1/2
Grade: 12
School: Lee High School

Parents names: Cathy Shupe & Michael Fleenor(Deceased)
Do you have any siblings?: NoPe,... only child
If so, what are their names?: N/A
Are your parents married/divorced/remarried/single?: My mom is engaged
Pets: .....5 cats
Names: Smokey, Baby, Cali, Bandat, P.P.
Do you like your family? Yea

Number: 7
Color: Pink, Black, and Light Blue
Car: Toyota Celica
Holiday: Easter
Months: December, January
Days of the week: Friday
Sport: ummmm.....don't like sports
Drink: any kind of juice....snaple, v8 splash, orange juice, etc.....
Food: I like anything
Fruit: any kind
Veggie: any kind
TV show: Boy Meets World lol
Radio station: 102.1, 95.9, 94.9, 105.5, 96.9, etc.
CD: Jessica Simpson
Actor: Johnny Deep
Actress: Christina Ricci
Song: Take My Breath Away
Phrase: "Your Retarded" lol
Animal: Any animal
Flower: Sun Flower
Clothing store: Goody's, Debs, Any where in the mall.....

*~ThIs Or ThAt~*

Me/You: You
AOL/AIM: neaither
CD/Cassette: CD
Radio/CD: Depedns
Jeans/Khakis: Both
Sexy/Hot: Hot
Car/Truck: Car
Civic/Acura: Civic
Tall/Short: Tall
Abercrombie/Hollister: Hollister
Love/Lust: LoVe
Lipstick/Lipgloss: Lip Gloss
Silver/Gold: Silver
Piercings/Tattoos: Both
Football/Basketball: Football if i have to choose one
Thunder/Lightning: Lightning
This/That: That

Do you get along with people easily?: Yea
Who have you known the longest?: Chelsea
Loudest: Ashlee
Funniest: When we all get together we're pretty funny lol
Sweetest: all of us
Most understanding: Stefanie
Best dressed: We all dress good
Biggest flirt: Ashlee lol
Most likely to have a 2 yearrelationship: Well I have been with the same guy for 5 and 1/2 years but any of my friends could do it too.
Cutest couple: Me and Daniel and Chelsea and Tim
Most loyal: All of my friends are pretty loyal
Always there to listen?: Ashlee, Stefanie, and Daniel
Most clean house?: We all have clean houses
Who is the most like you?: Ashlee

*~LoVe n ReLaTiOnShIpS~*
Do you have a bf?: Yea sue do
If so, who?: Daniel Cooper
How long have you dated your bf?: 5 1/2 years
What about them would you like the most?: Personality
What physical feature would attract you to them first?: Looks and Eyes
Where's he from?: Pennington
Most recent kiss: Last Friday

Do you have any regrets?: Well duh, who dosen't
Last thing you said: "crap" lol
Last song you heard: I Have Loved You, By Jessica Simpson
Last person you talked to: Ashlee

What are you doing right now?: Filling the Quiz out and talking to Ashlee and Listening to Jessica Simpson
What cd is in your cd player?: Jessica Simpson
How are you sitting?: Sitting on my legs in the computer chair lol
Is there music on?: yes
If so, what song is it?: I have loved you
What time is it?: 8:11 p.m.

Are you going to get married?: I guess so
Are you going to have children?: Don't plan on it but I don't guess I would mind just not anytime soon.
If yes, how many?: ???? How ever many I have I suppose.....You can't really plan something like that in my opinon
Do you want to go to college?: Yea
Which college: ???? i don't know at the moment

*~HaVe YoU eVeR~*
Prank called the police: Nah not recently lol
Been followed, ect by the police: LOL yea
Been high:Nope
Done drugs: Nope
Stole: Nope
Been in a fist fight: Yea
Broken a bone: Yea my wrist when I was in the 4th grade
Driven illegally: Yea just practiceing but I have my license

*~HoW wOuLd YOU sPeLl ThEsE~*
Sean/Shawn: Shawn
Megan/Meghan: Megan
Nicole/Nichole/other: Nichole
Eric/Erik: Eric
Ashley/Ashleigh/other: Ashlee
Caitlin/Kaitlyn/other: Caitlin
Carey/Carrie/other: Carrie
Derek/Derrik: Derek
Bryan/Brian: Brian
Nikki/Nicky/Nicci/other: Nikki
Christina/Kristina: Christina
Zak/Zack/Zach: Zach

Do you right in cursive or print?: Bot, mostly print
Are you a lefty, righty, or ambidextrious: Righty
Do you believe in God?: Absolutley!!!
Do you have any piercings/tattoos?: Ears, use to have belly butoon, and I have a Butterfly Tattoo on my right Ankle
If you could live anywhere else, where would you live?: I'd move to Flordia with Ash lol
Do you drive?: Yea
Do you have braces or glasses?: Glasses, but I never wear them unless I'm reading.
Ever worn black nail polish?: Yea I have sadly

If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?: See how stupid ppl act
Did you talk to your bf today?: No not today
If so, for how long?: N/A
Do you think this is stupidly long?: Kinda lol
Did you like it?: Yea I guess
Why/Why not: Something to do.

What time is it?: 8:35 p.m.
What is the date?: August 1, 2004
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