Oct 28, 2005 21:59
...Hey ya'll...just sitting here being bored and thought I would update a lil bit... I'm just going to make it short and sweet ;)
This week has been going on FOREVER is seems like... I guess its because all I've really been doing working. Thursday, I had practice and Wensday I had church...but other than that, thast about it......but ohh well... I worked today and I have to work tomarrow. I was supposed to worked Thursday too but I didn't because I found out on Wensday that my mamaw was put in ICU Tuesday night and I really wanted to go see her... but I worked every other day before that...I'm off Sunday though yay! lol...but I work again on Monday. I hate having only one day off and then working like 3 in a row...it feels like I don't have time to rest really... *~sigh~* I was going to go to our lock in that we are having at church tonight....*BUT* I couldn't go because I have to work tomarrow. I've never been to one eaither...but I didn't think it would make much sense to go for a couple of hours and leave. It didn't start until like 8...and, I would have to be home by at least 10:30 or something. I really wanted to go though. A lot of people was suppose to be there too...I hope they had fun... Ohh well, I guess thats just the way things happen..
-But AnYwAyS-
I guess thats all for now...:)