Good an'd Evil.
The Universe.
Well, this weekend Alex and I had a very productive play-date. We wrote a list of things to do, and throughout the day, did them. It started out as eleven things, but we abandoned the idea of going to the top of a parkade because it was pouring rain.
Our day:
Our list included:
1. Take photos as proof of our doings.
2. Feed the ducks.
3. Work on acting.
4. Go to one cafe we've never been to before.
5. Cultivate one friendship.
6. Visit the braille room in the library.
7. Do one good deed.
8. Give flowers for the old lady I met on the bus (who lived at the nursing home).
9. Get something for free (legally).
10. Write and record a song.
Short summary:
It's hard to remember to take photos when you're running around like crazy. Seagulls are easier to find then ducks. As long as a cafe is pretty empty and you order something you can stay in them FOREVER. Counter-girls make good friends. THERE IS NO BRAILLE ROOM AT THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Walking around downtown and looking for good deeds is a hard time to do. Alex and I started to contemplate pushing someone over and then helping them up as our contribution to society. Either that or NOT hitting someone in the face. Hahahahhaha. Getting things for free is hard too. Thankfully people are sloppy at ol' Johhny ZEES! Writing and recording a song in thirty minutes isn't hard. That is if you don't care how -good- the song is...
Last picture:
Titled 'Bear with me'.