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_jeremiad March 5 2009, 21:22:46 UTC
I fail to see how any of those things could not seriously impact my own well being within a relationship.

If you're a poor communicator, either because you lack the language skills or because you simply refuse to engage, we'll never be able to work through the inevitable conflicts.

If you're emotionally abusive and you make me feel like shit, there is no reason for us to date.

If you're a liar, then there is no foundation for trust in our relationship.

If you're addicted to chemical substances it shows, at the very least, a profound lack of self control and a misplaced sense of priorities.

If you're in love with someone else, then there is no reason for me to invest my very precious time, energy, and resources into potentially loving you.

If you're a flake, I can't rely on you and I'm not in relationships with people I can't rely on.

If you're irresponsible, then you're not behaving like an adult and I don't date children. The same with behaving like a child be that throwing temper tantrums or giving me the silent treatment or any variations thereof.

If you have racist and/or sexist leanings, I don't want to deal with that shit when I should be relaxing. The very fact that you've made it adulthood without examining your biases and prejudices is problem enough.


thegreyman March 5 2009, 21:57:30 UTC
Dang, I was afraid my meaning would not come across well in this medium. I'll chock it up to my poor writing skills.

As I said in my second comment I completely agree with all but one of your reasons. The one being central to my view point of poly relationships. I'm of the opinion that you can love more than one person. However that is not my question so set it aside please.

No need to justify any of your points as they are all valid reasons to dump a chump.

hmm OK I suck at trying to form the question differently at the moment. I'll revisit when my brain is a bit more capable.


_jeremiad March 5 2009, 21:58:28 UTC
All right. :-)

Sorry it seemed I was coming down on you hard.


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