Feb 06, 2004 23:07
mmmm i'm tired ne ways its 11:10 i'm about to hit the sack pretty soon. my day was funness i got 2 wear my new aloha shirt heh ne ways i got gym today every friday that is and man was i kickin butt :) i was a pretty damn good goalie for soccer lol i block like no other and i scored one goal CHA CHINGGG whoooooo even though i got hit with that dang ball 3 times on my head no fun at all i thought i was gonna have a brain seziure if there is such thing.. lol got math homework and studyness for this weekend.. :(
road home with allie and didnt have 2 go to work. yesshhhhh heh we watched birth delivery shows it was pretty painfull to watch made me not wanna have babies lol then lisa came over and we sang the diseny song little mermaid and hanged out it was a pretty nice chillen time. came home around 10ish now i am pooped out...
i...l o v e.....
arent u diein to know?? ;)