(no subject)

Apr 13, 2006 14:54

Oh, look, a third entry today, woohoo!

Yesterday we took Phil to the doctor's to have something looked at* and after we got there, this couple came in with what turned out to be their grandkids (they looked like they were at the age where they could be old parents or young grandparents) a boy and a girl. The boy was being annoying. Well, not really that annoying, there were little tiles in the floor and he was stepping on each of them just over and over again, and when his grandparents told him to sit down and play his game boy, he ignored them. Phil's name was called a little later, so I got up with him, but he told me that I didn't have to go with him (see * above, really may be TMI, so I'm going to put that behind a cut) so I sat in a somewhat different part of the lobby to get away from the family. I could tell that either the kid or the grandfather was going to start getting loud and annoying since the boy wouldn't listen to them. I was right. Each kid had a game boy, and they were swapping, and I guess the little boy dropped his sister's. So the grandparents were telling him to pick it up, and he was like, waaa waaa waaa and wasn't picking it up. When their name was called, I was relieved. Well, until the grandparents went in and left them out in the lobby. WTF? They should have either gone in with them, or one of them should have stayed out there. Not just leave them and think that the people that work there will look after them. Then they came over to where I was and would not leave me alone. More the little boy, the girl just sat there and played her game boy, but the little boy would not shut up. "I have a game boy, I'm playing Scooby Doo, I like Spiderman, do your kids like spiderman, why don't you have kids, when are you going to get some kids, where's your mom, where's your dad, my uncle lives in tucky, my mom's in florida, my sister has a different last name, blahblahblah" I was so glad when Phil was done and I could leave.

Phil has a job interview tomorrow, yay! It's at Suntrust Bank, and he didn't even apply, they found him, yay! I really hope he gets it. So his day off isn't going to waste. Good interview vibes if you please. :)

A couple of years ago, Phil got this little bump on his butt that hurt a lot, but it went away in a few days. Actually right before he was about to go to the doctor. Friday or Saturday, it came back. By Monday it hurt him so much he had to come home from work, and drive from Brentwood. Tuesday and yesterday he stayed home. Tuesday night it popped. So, he had this bleeding, painful bump on his ass that was oozing puss. Which is why we went to the doctor's yesterday. He was hoping that whatever it was, they could just drain it and be done with it. Turns out he has a pilonial (sp?) cyst, and it will keep coming back until it is surgically removed. It's nothing serious, or life threatening, just painful. We looked it up on web md when we got home, and it is something he was probably born with, and if it had never gotten infected or whatever happened, we would have never known. The doctor told him that he was lucky it burst on its own, or he would have had to do it and it would have hurt even more. He was feeling better today so he went to work, but he ended up leaving around 1:30. The doctor wrote him a perscription for it, so hopefully after *I* fill it (honestly, you'd think he would have brought it to work with him so he could get it filled, right? No, he left it home, and now he's in too much pain to drive to get it filled. Boys are dumb, hehe) he will be in no pain tomorrow for his interview!

annoyance, phil

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